Über Uns

Gemeinsam die Zukunft der Kommunikation gestalten – Innovation, Forschung und Fortschritt.



Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Technische Universität Dortmund



Technische Universität Ilmenau



Fraunhofer-Institut für Hochfrequenzphysik und Radartechnik
Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik

Fraunhofer-Institut für Mikroelektronische Schaltungen und Systeme
Max-Planck-Institut für Sicherheit und Privatsphäre


Unser Team

Institutsleitung - Fraunhofer IMS

Short introduction: Prof. Dr. rer nat. Anton Grabmaier is director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems in Duisburg since 2006. He is also Full Professor at University of Duisburg-Essen. He studied at the University in Stuttgart and received his Diploma in Physics in 1993. He is also author of various project-specific publications.

Research interests: Focus on semiconductor physics and measuring technique. In his graduation, he concentrated on laser diodes.

Memberships: Since 2013 Member of the Advisory Board of the University of Applied Science, Ruhr West. Since 2012 Member of Program Commitee of the GMM VDE/VDI Microsystems Technology Congress. Since 2009 Member of the Scientific
Advisory Board of the Hall of Fame for German Research. Since 2009 Member of the Committee for Research and Innovation of the Lower Rhine Chamber of Commerce Duisburg, Wesel, Kleve.

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Chair for Digital Communication Systems

PhD from TU Berlin

E-Mail: Aydin.Sezgin@rub.de

Research Interests: Communication, Information Theory, Physical Layer Security, Big Data

Highlight: 2009 – 2011 Head of Emmy Noether-Research-Group for Wireless Networks, 2016 Best Paper Award at ICCSPA

Research Stops: Berlin, Ulm, Irvine, Stanford

RWTH Aachen University 

Lehrstuhl für Informatik (Computer Vision)

UMIC Research Centre

Technische Universität Ilmenau

Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

Fachgebiet Hochfrequenz- und Mikrowellentechnik

Research Interests:

  • Radio-based car communication (V2X) and virtual testing
  • Human safety in electromagnetic fields
  • Electromagnetic compatibility

Communication Networks, TU Dortmund


Research Interests: 

  • Design and Performance Evaluation of Mobile and Wireless Networks (5G & 6G)
  • Cyber-Physical Networking (for Smart Grids, Rescue Robotics, Industry 4.0)
  • Vehicular Networking (Road traffic, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Electric Vehicles)

Key Achievements: 

  • Principal Investigator (PI) in 50+ research projects, thereof in 11 projects with management
    responsibility as Project Coordinator, Project Speaker, Scientific Manager or Member of Board
  • 450+ publications, 7500+ Citations, H-Index 42 (according to Google Scholar, May 2023)
  • 18 International Best-Paper Awards
  • 3 spin-offs

General and Theoretical Electrical Engineering (ATE)

Faculty of Engineering,
University of Duisburg-Essen
D-41048 Duisburg

Research interests: Electrodynamics fundamentals, computational electromagnetics &
optics, multiscale and multiphysics modeling, numerical structural optimization, (nano-)
photonics, THz, mm-wave and RF engineering, flexible chipless RFIDs, biomedical
engineering, bioelectromagnetics, marine electromagnetics, and science and technology
studies (STS).

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Chair for Cryptography

PhD from Ruhr-Universität Bochum

E-Mail: Eike.Kiltz@rub.de

Research Interests: Foundations of privacy, Theoretical cryptography, Design and analysis of cryptographic protocols, Complexity Theory

Highlight: Three Best Paper awards at EUROCRYPT, 2014 ERC Consolidator Grant "Efficient Resource Constrained Cryptography", ERC Advanced Grant in 2022

Research Stops: Paris, Lausanne, Amsterdan, San Diego

RWTH Aachen University
Chair of Distributed Signal Processing

Short biography: Haris Gačanin (IEEE F’20) received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in Electrical engineering from the University of Sarajevo in 2000. In 2005 and 2008, respectively, he received MSc and Ph.D. from Tohoku University in Japan. He was with Tohoku University from 2008 until 2010, first as a Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) postdoctoral fellow and later as an Assistant Professor. He joined Alcatel-Lucent Bell (now Nokia Bell) in 2010 as a Physical-layer Expert and later moved to Nokia Bell Labs as Department Head. Since April 2020, he has joined RWTH Aachen University. He is the head of the Chair for Distributed Signal Processing and co-director of the Institute for Communication Technologies and Embedded Systems.

Research interests: Prof. Gačanin’s professional interests are related to broad areas of digital signal processing and artificial intelligence with applications in wireless communications.

Honors and awards: Prof. Gačanin is a fellow of IEEE and a distinguished lecturer of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society with numerous scientific publications (journals, conferences, and patents) and invited/tutorial talks. He is a recipient of several Nokia innovation awards, IEICE Communications Society Best Paper Award in 2021, IEICE Communication System Study Group Best Paper Award (joint 2014, 2015, 2017), The 2013 Alcatel-Lucent Award of Excellence, the 2012 KDDI Foundation Research Award, the 2009 KDDI Foundation Research Grant Award, the 2008 JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships for Foreign Researchers, the 2005 Active Research Award in Radio Communications, 2005 Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2005-Fall) Student Paper Award from IEEE VTS Japan Chapter and the
2004 Institute of IEICE Society Young Researcher Award. Furthermore, he served as an Associate Editor of IEEE Communications Magazine, associate editor of IEICE Transactions on Communications and IET Communications.

Technische Universität Ilmenau

Research Interests:

  • Automotive antennas for wireless communication, navigation, and sensing
  • Antenna test range “Virtual road simulation and test area (VISTA)”
  • Over-the-air emulation of electromagnetic wave propagation, virtual verification and
    validation of wireless transmission systems for road and rail traffic

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Integrierte Systeme

Research Interests: terahertz transceiver and communication systems, joint communication and sensing hardware, precise localization

Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy
Radboud Universität, Nijmegen

PhD from Eindhoven University of Technology

E-Mail: Peter.Schwabe@mpi-sp.org

Research Interests: Cryptography, specifically the design and secure implementation of cryptographic primitives

Highlight: ERC Starting Grant EPOQUE – Engineering post-quantum cryptography

Research Stops: Aachen, Eindhoven, Taipei, Nijmegen

RWTH Aachen University 

Chair of Production Metrology and Quality Management &
Information Management in Mechanical Engineering
Department Model-based Systems

Research Interests: Production Metrology, Quality Management, Information Management in Manufacturing, Wireless Industrial Communication

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Elektronische Schaltungstechnik

Research Interests: Electromagnetic Sensors, Circuit Design, Frequency Synthesis, RF to THz

Technische Universität Dortmund

Timm Faulwasser has studied Engineering Cybernetics at the Uni­ver­sity of Stuttgart, with majors in systems and control and philosophy. From 2008 to 2012 he was a member of the International Max Planck Research School for Analysis, Design and Optimization in Chemical and Biochemical Process Engineering Mag­de­burg. In 2012 he obtained his PhD from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Engineering, Otto-von-Guericke-Uni­ver­sity Mag­de­burg, Germany. From 2013 to 2016 he was with the Laboratoire d’Automatique, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, while 2015-2019 he was leading the Optimization and Control Group at the In­sti­tute for Automation and Applied Informatics at Karls­ru­he In­sti­tute of Technology (KIT), where he successfully completed his habilitation in the Department of Informatics in 2020. In November 2019 he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at TU Dort­mund Uni­ver­sity, Germany. Currently, he serves as associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, the IEEE Control System Letters, as well as Mathematics of Control Systems and Signals. His main research interests are optimization-based and predictive control of nonlinear systems and networks with applications in energy, networked systems, and beyond.

Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems IMS
Head of Department "Business Unit Industry"
PhD from University Duisburg
E-Mail: gerd.vom.boegel@ims.fraunhofer.de

Research Interests: RF-Communication, Protocols, Baseband Signal Processing, Localization

RWTH Aachen University
Institute for Networked Systems

Research Interests: mm-wave networking, novel wireless network architectures, 
spectrum sharing & inter-technology coexistence, 
wireless network learning & analysis, 
telecommunications regulation & techno-economics

RWTH Aachen University
Institut für Kraftfahrzeuge, Lehrstuhlinhaber und Institutsleiter

Research Interests: Automated and connected vehicles, Safety assurance of AD, ADAS and HMI

Full professor of TU Dortmund University (FLW)
General manager Fraunhofer-Institute Material Flow and Logistics
Director Lamarr Institute for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael ten Hompel studied electrical engineering at RWTH Aachen University and earned his doctorate at the University of Witten/Herdecke. He is a full professor of FLW at the Technical University of Dortmund and managing director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics. Before his scientific activities, he was an entrepreneur. Among others, he founded GamBit GmbH (now Vanderlande Industries) in 1988 and led the company, which deals with warehouse management systems and industrial control systems, as managing partner until 2000.

Michael ten Hompel is considered one of the fathers of the Internet of Things and has published numerous technical books and several hundred articles on logistics and IT. He is a member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering and was inducted into the Logistics Hall of Fame in 2012. In 2017, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the University of Miskolc and in 2018 the title "Citizen of the Ruhr". In 2020, he received the Innovation Award / Honorary Award of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. In 2023, he was awarded the Order of Merit on Ribbon of the Federal Republic of Germany.
The focus of his work today is in the areas of: Industry 4.0, Internet of Things, AI in logistics and in the development of material flow systems.

Technische Universität Dortmund
Embedded Systems

Research Interests:
Working on safe guarantees for critical wireless communication and embedded real-time hardware acceleration for multi-beam forming and steering

Technische Universität Dortmund
Computer Science VIII, Artificial Intelligence Unit

Research Interests:  Verteiltes Data Mining, Bestärkendes Lernen, Multi-Agenten Lernen, Lernen mit Schutz der Privatsphäre (Privacy-by-Design), p-adische Modelle, Graph Neuronale Netze

Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fachgebiet Optoelektronik

Research Interests: THz Photonics, THz 6G communications, THz beamsteering, fixed wireless access, optical quantum key distribution (QKD), Radio-over-Fiber (RoF), Photonic Integrated Circuits (PIC)

Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT
Head of Department Production Metrology & Coordinator 5G-Industry Campus Europe


Short Biography:
Niels König studied physics at RWTH Aachen University, majoring in solid-state physics and biomedical engineering. He worked as a scientist in the Production Metrology Department at the Fraunhofer IPT from 2007 to 2013, concentrating on designing and manufacturing fiber optic micro probes for interferometric distance metrology and developing customized measurement systems. In 2010 he became the manager of the group Fiber Optics. Since September 2013, Niels König has been chief engineer of the department "Production Metrology" at the Fraunhofer IPT. Since 2017 he has been driving the research activities on 5G in production and established the 5G-Industry Campus Europe, the largest industrial 5G testbed in Europe, home to many research projects with more than 20 Mio. EUR budget for the Aachen institutes.

Research Interests:
Wireless sensors, industrial 5G/6G Use Cases, Performance Testing, AAS for wireless systems and devices, Edge-Cloud Architectures, Virtual Control Systems

Niels König represents Fraunhofer IPT at the 5G-ACIA, where he serves as vice-chair of the WG5 "Industrial 5G in Practice". Furthermore, Niels König is a member of the VDI/VDE-GMA Advisory Board.

Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften
Lehrstuhl Nachrichtentechnische Systeme

Research Interests: Multicarrier transmission, cellular radio systems, beamforming,
optoelectronic generation of terahertz signals, compensation of nonlinear
distortions, technical security systems.

Universität Duisburg-Essen
Fachgebiet Digitale Signalverarbeitung

Research Interests: THz (Array) Signal Processing, THz Mobile Systems, THz
Miniaturized Systems

University of Duisburg-Essen
Chair for High Frequency Electronic Components (BHE)
PhD from Cornell University (Ithaca, NY, USA)


Research Interests: Terahertz devices, material science and process technology, III/V-Epitaxy, Nanofabrication, Analog RF circuits

Research Stops: 
Ithaca (NY), Murray Hill (NJ), Berlin

RWTH Aachen University
Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik

Research Interests:

Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik IML
Head of
AI and Autonomous Systems
Robotic and Cognitive Systems
IoT and Embedded Systems

Dr.-Ing. Sören Kerner studied applied computer science at TU Dortmund. He earned his doctorate at the Institute of Robotic Research (IRF) in electrical engineering. Before he took over the department lead at Fraunhofer IML, he worked at the research department of Caterpillar Global Mining in Dortmund and Milwaukee. Over the years he established a strong foundation in the development of electronics for the internet of things as well as autonomous robotic systems for logistics. Besides the communication and decentralized organization aspect of those systems, the embodied AI was always a research focus. As a consequence digital twins of those systems based on holistic physics simulator are in his current research focus. This aspect he also pursued in his position as PI and Area Chair Logistic and Planning within the Lamarr institute. He is the incorporator of the PACE lab, a real time data lab at Fraunhofer IML, which is the foundation of the 6Gem logistics testbed.

The focus of his work today is in the areas of:
Emboddied AI,  Autonomous Robotics, Simulation-based Digital Twins and the Internet of Things

RWTH Aachen University
Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik

Research Interests:

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Security Engineering

Research Interests:
Applied Cryptography, Embedded and Hardware Security,
Processor Security

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Elektronische Schaltungstechnik

Research Interests:
Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit

Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Research Interests:
High Frequency and Terahertz Systems, Sensing, Imaging, Radar Systems, Material Characterization

Technische Universität Dortmund
Fakultät für Informatik

Research Interests:
Design Automation for Embedded Systems

Technische Universität Dortmund
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenztechnik

Research Interests:
Fiber based optical transmission systems, Capacity increase by space division multiplexing, Radio over fiber systems, Electromagnetic wave theory for THz transmission systems

University of Duisburg-Essen
Micro- and Nanosystems for Medical Technology

Research Interests:

Fraunhofer Institut für Mikrolektronische Schaltungen und Systeme

Research Interests:
Industry / wireless Systems

Fraunhofer-Institut für Hochfrequenzphysik und Radartechnik

Research Interests:
Integrierte Schaltungen und Sensorsysteme

Fraunhofer-Institut für Hochfrequenzphysik und Radartechnik

Research Interests:
Hochfrequenzkomponenten und Signalverarbeitung

University of Duisburg-Essen

Research Interests:
Elektronische Bauelemente und Schaltungen

Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy
Cryptographic Systems

Research Interests:
Kryptographische Protokolle

Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy

Research Interests:

Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenztechnik

Research Interests: