
Six innovative testbeds for socially and economically relevant 6G applications

Intralogistics - Fraunhofer IML Dortmund

In the field of intralogistics, 6GEM demonstrated a 6G-powered digital testbed. The 6G-KPI monitoring and control concept STING was used to monitor system states and KPIs and to simulate demanding channel conditions. Ten distributed 6G-STINGs were integrated into an intralogistics scenario to demonstrate their impact on wireless communication. Additionally, a 3D network was tested inside a logistics hall.

Furthermore, a digital twin of the evoBOT® logistics robot was developed in collaboration between TU Dortmund and Fraunhofer IML and combined with a predictive 6G resource allocation system.

Production - 5G-Industry Campus Europe Aachen

In the production technology testbed, applications for augmented reality in mobile robotics using 6G communication were explored. Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) play a crucial role in advanced manufacturing and require a reliable communication infrastructure and high-quality services in their working environment. In the production halls of WZL in Aachen, various 6G concepts were investigated, including computational offloading and the remote control of autonomous vehicles. Additionally, the use of passive HELIOS reflectors in an operational mmWave network was studied in the production testbed.

Mobility - Aldenhoven Testing Center

In the field of mobility, the project developed a scaled model of the Aldenhoven Test Center (ATC), combining real and virtual vehicles within a digital twin. This enables the testing of 6G teleoperation and signaling, including predictive beam alignment at high vehicle speeds.

The team integrated 6G network planning and control concepts into a testbed demonstrator featuring a hybrid 6G digital twin. Additionally, teleoperation experiments were conducted.

Rescue Robotics - Deutsches Rettungsrobotik-Zentrum Dortmund

In the field of rescue robotics, the focus was on reliable ad-hoc communication, high-precision localization (Joint Communication and Sensing, JCAS), and contributions to Mixed Reality for immersive situational awareness and control. Demonstrations included ad-hoc positioning (indoor) and reliable 6G support for multi-robot control and search & rescue scenarios (outdoor).

In collaboration with 6G-life, ad-hoc networking with various wireless technologies was tested in a real-world environment. Additionally, research on immersive robot control considering wireless resource constraints was presented. The "Rescue Robotics" testbed was showcased at PMRExpo, leading to connections with industry and government authorities.

Port Logistics - Duisburger Hafen

In the field of hardware front-end implementations for the Binnenhafen Duisburg testbed, a Sub-THz radar with GNSS positioning and a camera was installed and connected via a 5G campus network (IP VPN) for precise train localization.

Additionally, a Sub-THz FWA system with a 2 Gbps data rate was deployed to connect digital gates. Furthermore, the semi-automated container pickup was successfully demonstrated.

Smart Hospital - Fraunhofer IMS Duisburg

At the Fraunhofer Institute IMS, an operations room was set up with a THz hotspot, utilizing a photonically-assisted THz leaky-wave antenna array for two-dimensional beam steering.

Currently, various demonstrations are in preparation, including a PreSyse-MIMO system for the GHz and mmWave range, as well as a PreSyse-based emulation of an operations room.