The University Hospital Düsseldorf (UKD) is the largest hospital in the state capital and one of the most important medical centers in NRW and has been driving digitization in research, teaching and patient care massively in recent years - also with the single focus on artificial intelligence that spans all faculties. The UKD is the consortium leader of the NRW-financed innovation project "Giga for Health" and is thus realizing Europe's first 5G medical campus with what is currently the fastest data transmission technology for medical applications in university patient care, research and teaching. Building on this, 6G-based technologies for medical applications are to be tested in 6GEM.
Universitätsmedizin Essen (UME) is playing a pioneering role in Germany as a “smart hospital”. Efficient data flows based on the digital patient file, the integration of innovative technologies and artificial intelligence, as well as extensive networking with due regard for data protection are the ideal basis for the further development of clinical patient care and research. The aim is to create a personalized 6G key technologies based on “Smart Hospital Information Platform” (SHIP), “Smart Hospital Patient Portal” (SHoP), a data integration center and other innovative technologies (VR/AR, robotics, 3D printing etc.). , preventive, predictive, participative precision medicine, which at the same time focuses on people as empathetic medicine.
The trimodal port of Duisburg is the largest inland port in the world and with more than 4 million containers handled per year, it is the leading logistics hub in Central Europe. Under the direction of 6GEM scientists, a 5G test field for the safe and semi-automated control of container cranes is currently being created at the trimodal port of Duisburg, which serves both Silk Roads. From initially 3 freight trains per week, throughput has increased to currently over 60 trains per week from China with further growth to over 100 trains. Together with Deutsche Telekom and other companies, key technologies and flexible physical layers for fully automated port operations (including self-propelled trains and trucks) are being developed and tested in 6GEM. In particular, 6G XR is intended to enable fully automated crane travel and remote maintenance of the cranes.
The Fraunhofer IML has various test fields for testing innovative logistics systems. Two research halls with a total area of 1650 m² are particularly relevant for 6GEM, which, thanks to a high-precision motion capturing system that is internationally outstanding in this scale, allow several 100 moving objects to be detected and tracked in real time with an accuracy in the sub-millimetre range. In combination with the cellular high-speed logistics system Loadrunner, the most demanding 6G scenarios in terms of real-time communication and localization can be mapped
With the support of the BMBF, the German Rescue Robotics Center (DRZ) in Dortmund is researching mobile robot systems for civil hazard prevention in a so-called "Living Lab". A special feature of the laboratory are the connected, indoor and outdoor test areas, on which the networked systems are tested together with users for their suitability for use in various scenarios. 6GEM radio scenarios can be generated via mobile absorber walls, which pose major challenges for the radio systems essential for networking the rescue robots.
At the milestone of the project after 2 years, an exemplary scenario (see figure) was implemented in the DRZ environment. Embedded in a realistically modeled, multi-stage search and rescue mission, various 6G technology concepts were implemented, such as: B. a novel multi-link broker that includes 5G, Wi-Fi and Mesh for highly reliable wireless ad hoc coverage and enables control of multiple robots and integrated sensing and communication (Joint Communication & Sensing). The results are also documented in a video:
Since 2009, the Aldenhoven Testing Center (ATC) on the former Emil Mayrisch colliery site in Aldenhoven, with twelve vehicle test tracks, has offered excellent conditions for research, development and validation of individual systems and complete vehicles. Classic elements such as an oval track, a driving dynamics area and a handling course are just as present here as the highly variable city environment and a section of the Autobahn. In addition to complete WLAN coverage with the 5G Mobility Lab, a cooperation with Vodafone, one of the most modern mobile radio development and test environments for the networked and autonomous traffic of the future is available on the entire test site. The ATC thus offers a unique platform for demonstrating and testing future communication and localization technologies, as can be expected with 6G and will be developed in 6GEM.
The 5G-Industry Campus Europe (5G-ICE) is a research infrastructure for the validation of 5G in production and is located on the RWTH Aachen Campus Melaten. This complete and unique 5G infrastructure is developed with 6GEM in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT, the machine tool laboratory (WZL) of the RWTH Aachen and the research institute for rationalization (FIR) e. V. of RWTH Aachen University and Ericsson as a 5G network supplier gradually expanded to 6G.