6G enabled Future Robotics
I would like to draw your attention to the upcoming virtual talk delivered by
Xueli An from Huawei Technologies Düsseldorf GmbH.
This talk will have the title:
6G enabled Future Robotics
A future is envisioned where 6G technologies and solutions allow to unleash the potential of smart connectivity for a secure, resilient and sustainable development of our society. We believe robotic sector will be the new blue ocean that will be empowered by 6G. Robots with different appearances, optimized for different tasks, able to work in groups and able to interact with people in all areas of life e.g. at home, in industrial environment, in hospital, etc. It is to be expected that even humanoid robots may reach market maturity when 6G will be rolled out. Robots are envisioned to be connected via 6G infrastructure. Moreover, 6G may also fundamentally change how robotics could be designed by leveraging its advanced features like native-AI, integrated communication and sensing, etc.
Dr. Xueli An is the Head of 6G Network Architecture Research Group at Huawei Technologies Duesseldorf GmbH, Munich Research Center, Germany. Within Huawei, she leads the next generation mobile communication enabled vertical industry related research and corresponding industry development related activities. She has long experience in 5G research and deep engagement with the 5G enabled Industry 4.0 ecosystem. She serves as 5G Alliance for Connected Industries and Automation (5G-ACIA) working group “Use cases and Requirements” vice chair since 2018. She is the vice chair of NetworldEurope Enabling Technologies for Future Vertical Ecosystem Transformation Working Group since 2020. Her current research focuses on 6G network architecture design and she also takes the role as working group “Communication and Dissemination” chair position in one6G Association since 2021. She has many peer-reviewed international journal/conference publications and filed/granted patent applications in the field of wireless communication, networking, etc. She received her Master and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands.