Towards connected mobility with 5G/6G


Towards connected mobility with 5G/6G

Monday, 20 March, 10:00

It is our pleasure to invite you to the 6GEM Seminar Talk of Dr. Frank Hofmann from Robert Bosch GmbH.


Vehicular communications is not only a major opportunity to improve road safety and traffic efficiency but also a
key enabler for connected and automated driving. In the talk some dedicated mobility use cases will be presented and possible extensions to 6G explained.
One main focus will be on how 6G sensing could bring benefit and which technical challenges arise.


Frank Hofmann is Chief Expert for Communication Systems at Corporate Research, Robert Bosch GmbH in Hildesheim, Germany. In this role, he is responsible for the strategy in Research for communication and vehicle-to-x systems. In addition, he is Co-Lead of the competence cluster “Distributed Systems”. Besides that, he is active in several consortia, e.g. 5G Automotive Association, Car2Car Communication Consortium and led the consortium of the public funded project 5G NetMobil. He holds a Diploma in electrical engineering of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and received his Ph.D. from the University of Hanover.