The project objective of the 6GEM Research Hub is the explorative research, development and validation of concepts and technologies for the next generation of mobile communications. 6GEM is dedicated in particular to the aspects of efficiency, security, resilience and openness of future openness of future mobile communication systems against the background of strengthening technological sovereignty. Within 6GEM, more than 100 researchers from scientific institutions mostly from NRW are involved, who have now completed more than 40 demonstrations in realistic test fields, more than 300 publications, more than 100 lab demos, more than 90 invited lectures, and more than 160 theses on 6G. This already made a significant contribution to 6G research and the development of young scientists in this field. 6GEM has thereby achieved several innovative and groundbreaking findings in scientifically and technologically highly relevant areas, some of which have been patented and awarded prizes.
The project also promotes an open and collaborative research landscape through cooperation with the 6G Platform Germany, the other German 6G hubs and the 6G industry projects, in particular 6G-ANNA. The progress made has already been widely applied and will have a significant impact on technological development in the coming years. The high international visibility, e.g. through the close cooperation with Japan, testifies to the scientific excellence of the project and its persistent influence on research and industry.
The added value of future 6G systems for socially and industrially highly relevant use cases is the main objective of the 6GEM project. To this end, six test fields are integrated and equipped with 6G systems: The highly automated production environments of the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology in Aachen, the German Rescue Robotics Center in Dortmund, the high-speed intralogistics of the Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics in Dortmund, a smart hospital at Essen University Hospital, large-scale port logistics in Duisburg and road traffic scenarios from city center to motorway in Aldenhoven. The results of the scientific work are continuously being standardized and patented internationally.
… develops an open, flexible, and modular physical-layer platform to support the diverse demands of future 6G applications, such autonomous driving, robotics, and augmented reality. Real-time distributed communication capabilities adhering to low latency and high reliability requirements are attained based on adaptive waveforms, non-orthogonal signal processing and massive MIMO techniques as well as advanced hardware/software co-design methods. Resilient 6G infrastructure is created by combining cloud-based and on-device machine learning with cutting-edge technologies like intelligent reflecting surfaces and multiband communication. Our open approach ensures accessibility for industry, startups and academia, serves as a basis for contributions to emerging standardization efforts, reduces development cycles and time-to-market for groundbreaking 6G technologies, while fostering technological sovereignty.
… researches innovative security approaches that go beyond traditional cryptographic algorithms and protocols, addressing the challenges posed by increasing digitalization and quantum computing advancements. A holistic security concept is pursued, integrating physical layer information, trusted electronics, and hardware-based primitives to enhance protection against novel attack vectors such as wireless sensing attacks. 6GEM evaluates and implements new security features such as Physical Layer Security, Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), and context-based key generation, ensuring long-term security for 6G applications. Activities are closely aligned with ongoing international standardization initiatives (e.g., NIST PQC) to ensure compatibility while addressing the unique requirements of future 6G systems.
… follows the goal of providing reliable wireless connectivity with end-to-end service guarantees for mission-critical applications. For this reason, 6GEM designs future 6G multi-X network components that seamlessly integrating multiple radio technologies operating in licensed and unlicensed spectrum, including novel mmWave and THz bands, under diverse operation modes. Our disruptive technology concepts like predictive proactive resource allocation, smart reflecting surfaces, machine learning-based network planning and digital twin-assisted communication are experimentally validated in the test fields.
… will provide ultra-high data rates by exploring the vast bandwidth available in the THz spectrum range. The goal is to enable up to 1 Tbit/s data rates for advanced industrial 6G applications through innovations in photonic and electronic technologies to overcome contemporary hardware limitations. Key developments by 6GEM include design and production concepts for integrated microchip and MIMO antenna modules for compact mobile THz transceivers with high spectrum and energy efficiencies. Our work on this upcoming field ensures technological sovereignty in the 6G THz components which can already be adopted by the IEEE Standard 802.15.3d-2017 owing to compatibility-led innovation processes.
… marks a paradigm shift away from purely communication-centric radio networks. Leveraging high bandwidths in the high-frequency bands (mmWave and THz), 6G devices act as sensors which enabling environmental awareness in the 6G network, thereby enabling vertical services such as machine safety monitoring, remote medical diagnostics, and smart cities. Key objectives of these 6GEM activities include the development of dual-use, frequency-agile radio frontends leveraging new waveforms. The holistic approach also considers advanced sensor data fusion software and novel protocols to demonstrate envisioned 6G-integrated services such as centimeter-accurate localization and highly-reliable environmental sensing.
… focuses on validating 6GEM architectures and technologies in real-world environments to achieve a high Technology Readiness Level (TRL) through collaboration with industry partners and startups. The 6GEM test fields are selected to foster cross-innovations with related research fields and technical communities, to ensure high impact on standardization bodies like O-RAN, 3GPP, IEEE or dissemination to other public fora, as well as holistic sovereignty through cooperation with other 6G research hubs and industry projects. The locations include Duisburg Port, the Aldenhoven Autonomous Driving Testing Center, the Production Campus Aachen, the Logistics and Rescue Robotics Centers in Dortmund, and the university hospitals in Düsseldorf and Essen.